Species: Rabbits and hares

Hares and rabbits are members of leporidae family of the order lagomorphs.

Disease general

Research results

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  • Phylogeographic Distribution of Human and Hare Francisella Tularensis Subsp. Holarctica Strains in the Netherlands and Its Pathology in European Brown Hares (Lepus Europaeus). Koene M., J. Rijks, M. Maas, R. Ruuls, M. Engelsma, P.r van Tulden, M. Kik, J. IJzer, D. Notermans, M.de Vries, E. Fanoy, R. Pijnacker, M. Spierenburg, H. Bavelaar, H. Berkhout, S.Sankatsing, R. Diepersloot, K.Myrtennas, M.Granberg, M. Forsman, H.J. Roest & A.Gröne (2019). Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 11 February 2019
  • Environmental surveillance during an outbreak of tularaemia in hares, the Netherlands, 2015. Janse I. M. Maas, J.M. Rijks, M. Koene, T.Q.J. van der Plaats, M. Engelsma, P. van der Tas, M. Braks, A. Stroo, D.W. Notermans, M.C. de Vries, F. Reubsaet, E. Fanoy, C. Swaan, M.J.L. Kik, J. IJzer, R.I. Jaarsma, S. van Wieren, A.M. de Roda-Husman, M. van Passel, H.J. Roest, J. van der Giessen. Environmental surveillance during an outbreak of tularaemia in hares, the Netherlands, 2015. Euro Surveill. 2017;22(35):pii=30607. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.35.30607
  • Tularaemia in a brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in 2013: first case in the Netherlands in 60 years. Rijks J.M., M. Kik, M.G. Koene, M.Y. Engelsma, P van Tulden, M.G. Montizaan, T. Oomen, M.A. Spierenburg, J. IJzer, J.W. van der Giessen, A. Gröne & H.J. Roest. (2013). Euro Surveill. 2013 Dec 5;18(49). pii: 20655. Euro Surveill. 2013 Dec 5;18(49). pii: 20655.
  • Confirmation and phylogenetic analysis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus in free-living rabbits from the Netherlands. van de Bildt MW, van Bolhuis GH, van Zijderveld F, van Riel D, Drees JM, Osterhaus AD & Kuiken T. (2006).  Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2006, 42(4):808-12. Link to abstract.