On December 1st, 2024, a young male hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) was found stuck in the net of a vegetable garden. The hedgehog was cold and dehydrated, but still alive. He was taken to an animal shelter where it turned out that the hedgehog’s spines had folded over its pelvis. This made the animal
In the Netherlands, increased mortality is occurring again in waterbird, birds of prey and scavengers as a result of bird flu. Carnivorous mammals are also affected by bird flu (https://dwhc.nl/bunzing-en-vossen-besmet-met-vogelgriep/).
In recent weeks, there have been increasing indications that highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is circulating among wild birds in the Netherlands. A poultry farm was infected as well. There seems to be little evidence of increased bird mortality, but it is important to monitor the situation closely.
By now it is clear that there is an increased mortality in wild birds due to high-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), mainly within populations of black-headed gulls. Halfway through February the DWHC and partner organizations published an article about the signs of this trend (Read more
At this moment – February 2023 – there are signals of high-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) causing death in black-headed gulls in France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. We want to call on everyone to keep a look-out and to report findings of sick or dead black-headed gulls. Roosts and breeding colonies,
This winter, the DWHC has received more reports on dead pigeons. These reports came from different parts of the country. Most reports concern wood pigeons, but collared doves and stock pigeons were also reported.
Foto: Femke Koedijk
Earlier in december, the DWHC was notified of a European polecat found in a rabbit pen. The polecat was still breathing, and it looked as if the polecat was sleeping next to the dead rabbit (see picture). The polecat died an hour later and was collected for post-mortem examination.
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has confirmed avian influenza H5N1 in two fox cubs found in the province of Groningen.