Archive: 2025

Bird flu found in Common Kestrel

In recent weeks, Common Kestrels infected with highly pathogenic bird flu (H5N1) have been found in several places in the Netherlands. In January 2025, seven Common Kestrels were examined at the DWHC, of ​​which three were found to be infected with bird flu (see map). Two of these birds were found in Friesland,
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DWHC focus species of 2025: Peregrine Falcon and Common Kestrel

The common Kestrel and the Peregrine Falcon are the ‘DWHC focus animals’ of 2025. Our goal is to investigate more Common Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons on their cause of death. Common Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons are birds of prey that are high up in the food chain. By eating prey, they can also become infected
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Again many wild birds affected by bird flu

The current outbreak of the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus, which has caused increased bird mortality in the Netherlands since November, is spreading rapidly. Barnacle Geese in the Northern parts of the Netherlands in particular are greatly affected, but the virus has also been detected in other species and other
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Bird flu found in fox

On January 11, 2025, a fox showing neurological symptoms was found in Hoofddorp. The animal remained in the same place and turned in circles. The animal could no longer be saved and thus was euthanized. The fox showed symptoms that are similar to birds infected with bird flu. It was therefore decided to have the
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Hedgehogs and the pop-off syndrome

On December 1st, 2024, a young male hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) was found stuck in the net of a vegetable garden. The hedgehog was cold and dehydrated, but still alive. He was taken to an animal shelter where it turned out that the hedgehog’s spines had folded over its pelvis. This made the animal
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