Category: Research Results

Results focus species 2017: Weasel and stoat

Little is known about the distribution, health status and causes of death in small mustelids in the Netherlands and for this reason weasels (Mustela nivalis) and stoats (Mustela erminea)  were made the DWHC focus species of 2017. In addition, the incidence of the roundworm Skrjabingylus nasicola  in the nasal
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Hare with growth on nose

Late December 2017 a skinny male adult hare with a growth on the bridge of the nose and bald spots on the hind legs was submitted to the DWHC. Diagnostics showed that the growth was caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The bald spots on the hind legs were caused by inflammation of the skin. This
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Eurasian collared doves dying from trichomonosis

As was seen in 2017, we are currently receiving reports of  many Eurasian collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto) dying within one week. The birds are described as looking sick, hunched and emaciated, and not flying away. Two birds showing such signs recently underwent post-mortem exam at the DWHC. The cause
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Mixed diet for Nijswiller wildcat

At least nine bodies of prey were found in the stomach of the wildcat that was run over in the Dutch town of Nijswiller in February 2017. The animal was in good health and it appears that pure misfortune led to it being run over whilst crossing a country lane. Wildcats have been seen in the Netherlands for a few
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Dead wolf: healthy but days without food

Pathologist Marja Kik (DWHC, Utrecht Veterinary Faculty) reported the initial findings of the post-mortem on the dead wolf: “Interestingly, apart from some tapeworms, the stomach and intestines were completely empty suggesting that the animal had not eaten for around 48 hours.”
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Ranavirus in the province of South-Holland

Ranavirus has been detected in the province of South-Holland in both water frog larva and salamanders. The animals were were found at two different locations, one located in the far east, in the triangle of the provinces of South Holland – Utrecht – Gelderland, the other location being in the middle of
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Brain tumour caused odd behaviour in a beaver

On the 26th October 2016 a disorientated beaver (Castor fiber) that was walking in circles was picked up by the wildlife sanctuary Faunavisie Wildcare in the north of the Netherlands. It was originally thought that the animal had been hit by a car as it was found in the ditch by the side of a busy road. However,
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Usutu virus: Rise in number of dead blackbirds being reported

In the wake of the 2016 Usutu virus outbreak, surveillance of live and dead blackbird numbers in April of 2017 revealed that the virus is once again active in the Netherlands.This was paralleled by a slight increase in the number of dead blackbirds reported to the DWHC compared to the preceding weeks. According to
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