Category: News

Changes to tularemia testing program in 2016

Since 2011 all hares submitted to the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC) for post-mortem investigation have also been tested for the presence of talremia bacteria by the Central Veterinary Institute (CVI). As of January 1st 2016 the DWHC will no longer be collecting non-fresh (i.e. dead for more than 24 hours)
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Grey seals prey on harbour porpoises

The mystery of the severely wounded harbour porpoises has been solved thanks to researchers working at the University of Utrecht Veterinary School’s Pathology Department in conjunction Imares Wageningen UR and the NIOZ. Microscopic analysis of the bite wounds showed that the porpoises were alive when the
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Common minke whale carcase found on ship’s bow in Rotterdam harbour

Post-mortem was performed on a common minke whale at the University of Utrecht after it was found dead on the bow of a ship in Rotterdam harbour. The cadaver was relatively fresh suggesting that it had only been picked up by the boat shortly before it arrived at Rotterdam. Provisional findings point towards the
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Don’t touch bats with your bare hands!

In May 2015 a bat that had been submitted to the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC) for post-mortem investigation proved to be positive for the bat form of rabies after further testing was carried out at the Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) in Lelystad. This disease is caused by the European Bat Lyssa Virus
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Collision with a ship most likely cause of death in stranded rorqual

Press release from the University of Utrecht Researchers from the veterinary faculty at the University of Utrecht have found acute bleeding, consistent with bruising, in the 17m-long rorqual that stranded at the Dutch coastal town of Scheveningen. The presence of bleeding in various tissues that were examined
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Ranavirus in Drenthe

After the mass die-off of frogs and salamanders in the Dutch province of Drenthe caused by ranavirus, the Dutch organisation for Reptile, Amphibian & Fish Conservation (RAVON) and the Dutch
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