DWHC focus species of 2025: Peregrine Falcon and Common Kestrel

The common Kestrel and the Peregrine Falcon are the ‘DWHC focus animals’ of 2025. Our goal is to investigate more Common Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons on their cause of death. Common Kestrels and Peregrine Falcons are birds of prey that are high up in the food chain. By eating prey, they can also become infected with diseases themselves. Therefore, they provide an indication of the diseases that are present in a specific area.

The Peregrine Falcon

The population size of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is decreasing. Research by the DWHC and other institutes showed that in years with major outbreaks of bird flu, there was also significant mortality among Peregrine Falcons. The viruses found in these birds turned out to be genetically closely related to viruses that were circulating simultaneously in their prey. The largest decrease in the population was seen in the area where bird flu was prevalent. Bird flu is therefore a serious threat to the Peregrine Falcon population in the Netherlands. Extensive information about our research can be found on Nature Today.

Photo: Vincent van Zalinge | Peregrine Falcon

The Common Kestrel

Just like the Society for the Protection of Birds and Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology, the DWHC has chosen the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) as a second focus species this year. As with the Peregrine Falcon, the population size of the Common Kestrel has been decreasing. Since 1990, a downward trend can be seen in the breeding population of this bird of prey. Currently, only a quarter of the population size we saw halfway through the last century is left. More information about this bird and the planned activities can be found on the website of Sovon and the Society for the Protection of Birds.

Photo: Sovon | Common Kestrel

Which Peregrine Falcons and Common Kestrels are eligible for research?

A dead animal can be reported by filling in our online form. An animal can only be examined at the DWHC if it is ‘freshly’ dead. With this we mean the sick animals that have been put out of their misery and the animals found dead of which it is certain not to have been there the day before. If in doubt, you can consult with the DWHC staff.

If the animal exhibits abnormal behavior, please make a video before they are put down. If the Peregrine Falcon or Common Kestrel was found dead, the DWHC would like to asks for a photo of the dead animal the way you found them.

Handling animals suspected of bird flu

Bird flu is a zoonosis (a disease that can be transmitted from animal to human). If you have found a dead animal that you want to have collected for examination, it is important that the animal is double-wrapped in plastic, but never touched with bare hands. Since these birds may have bird flu, it is important to be careful when approaching sick or dead wild birds and to follow the hygiene guidelines of the national government: Guidelines for dealing with wild animals with bird flu.

Caliendo, V., Bellido Martin, B., Fouchier, R. A., Verdaat, H., Engelsma, M., Beerens, N., & Slaterus, R. (2024). Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Contributes to the Population Decline of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in The Netherlands. Viruses17(1), 24.

Open the PDF of the DWHC desk calendar with our focus species of 2025 here