
Update avian influenza

Since October 2020 The DWHC and Sovon have collected more than 400 dead wild birds to be tested for avian influenza virus at WBVR in Lelystad, The Netherlands.  Most of the collected birds were individuals, because the NVWA deal with the reports of 3 or more dead waterbirds.
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NCOH: West Nile Virus found in the Netherlands

A migratory bird tested positive for West Nile Virus in the Netherlands. The bird was caught in August during routine sampling in the region of Utrecht. West Nile Virus is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, making it a type of an arbovirus. Humans, and other mammalian species such as horses, are susceptible to
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Second DWHC interim report on the investigation of hedgehogs

In the period from August to October 2019, twenty hedgehogs were sent to the DWHC, a subdivison of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University, for post-mortem examination. Seventeen hedgehogs were examined, three animals were too autolytic. Lung conditions were found in almost half of all examined
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Ongoing Usutu virus epidemic in the Netherlands

Still unexplained decline in reported dead blackbirds Joint press release from the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre, Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornothology, Erasmus MC, Centre for Monitoring of Vectors, and
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