Wildlife and disease
together we will put this knowledge to good use

Welcome to the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre

Because of the holiday season, DHWC has very limited office hours up to January 6th 2025. If you find a dead animal, you can submit it via our forms submit an animal for research or submit an animal for statistics. We might choose to pick up some rare cases for research. If we want to come and retrieve an animal for research, we will contact you.

The purpose of the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre is to enhance knowledge and expertise in wildlife health in the Netherlands. This will serve to provide scientifically based information for political and practical decisions concerning public health, wild and domestic animal health, and nature conservation issues.

On our website you can find information about the sorts of disease found in wildlife in the Netherlands and abroad by searching in the disease or species pages.

You can report finding wildlife cadavers via the submission form on our website. For microscopic examination of these animals it is essential that the cadavers are in a fresh state i.e. not dead for more than one day; cadavers should not be frozen. It is therefore preferable to report your findings as soon as possible and to keep the cadaver in a cool (not frozen) place until it can be collected. After submitting your form you will be contacted by the DWHC who will advise you on how to package the cadaver and arrange collection of the package from your home or place of work.

More information about submitting a cadaver is available in the frequently asked questions.

Eurasian beaver DWHC ‘focus species’ 2023

Bever zittend op een tak in het water
Foto: Maaike Plomp


Wolf died of a bacterial infection

Foto: © vinder In November 2023 a young wolf was found dead in the mud in the woods of the Northern Veluwe, a nature reserve in the centre of the Netherlands. The animal could not free itself and died. It was brought to the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DHWC) in Utrecht where it was investigated by ecologists
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Dode jonge ooievaar

Again dead white stork with rubber bands

Dead white stork. Photo: Ferry Brands On 16 July 2023, an almost fully fledged white stork (Ciconia ciconia) was found under its nest in Megen, Noord-Brabant. Half an hour before the young was practising wing flapping. The stork was collected by the DWHC in Utrecht to investigate the cause of death.
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Roe deer with deer botfly

At the end of June 2023, a roebuck in the province of Limburg was put out of its misery and collected for research by the DWHC in Utrecht. The roebuck had swollen front legs, had difficulty standing, did not flee when approached and was shaking a little with his head (tremor).
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